Thailand to create a firewall like in the Harry Potter movies

Thailand to create a firewall like in the Harry Potter movies

The internet must be free for anyone to look at. I deeply respect His Royal Highness The King Of Thailand but to build a 500 million THB firewall is not the way to honor him. The firewall should block websites that can not be named (that sounds like Harry Potter). I think if we do name them, people in Thailand will unite as one and visit the website so many time that it crash.

Do you really think there will be any hosting company that will host a website that gets 65 million angry emails from Thailand?

I am sure 5 people with computers and a salary of 15 000 THB a month could track down this website in 3 months and then keep monitoring them. There is no need for a 500 million THB firewall. Bides the firewall could so easy be misused by any government coming to power.

CAT and TOT give me 500 million THB and I can find and close them down in a week.

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