Special Thailand Police blame Scandinavians for land grab

Special Thailand Police blame Scandinavians for land grab

Special Thailand Police blame Scandinavians for land grab

The DSI in Thailand are trying to convince the current Thai government to change the lope holes there is to lease a land longer than 30 years or for a Thai company with foreign shareholders to own a land. The DSI thinks that foreigners might own all valuable Thai land in the near future.

Some farmers in up country Thailand also complained to the Thai government (after they sold the land off course) that foreign owner might do farming in Thailand. The land department checked both Phuket and many provinces in North Thailand but could not find land owned by foreigners or any foreigners doing farming.

The DSI blamed people from Scandinavia as the biggest land grabbers in places like Phuket and Krabi. Japanese and Arab countries had taken lands in North Thailand and made them into farms for export only.

I would like to add my personal Red Shirt version to this and that is that most of the land in Thailand is not owned by foreigners but by a few people in Bangkok and the rest of the Thai people owns maybe one rai or less.

The bigger problem is how Thailand can make the farmers to keep their land because every time the Thai government or someone gives them land they want to make a quick buck and sell the land and then later complain that they sold the land to cheap and have no land.

DSI is Department Special Investigations

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