How to do a Thai Wai

How to do a Thai Wai

How to do a Thai wai or what is a Thai wai?

The wai is the Thai greeting and show of respect, indicated by pressing your palms together near your chest some people bow but that’s not necessary if you do not feel like you want to show this person a lot of respect.

The Thai is not a unique thing many other countries do it but it is a graceful action practiced throughout Thailand. It plays a very important part in showing other people respect and is central to Thais way of living.

The wai can be very confusing, beuacase there is so many rules to foloow and if you wai to a person you can offend them by telling them that they are older. Many different parts of Thailand have different ways to Wai and who to wai.

Do not let people tell you that you should always wai, there is reason for not to wai like when you carrying something, just nod and that’s it. If just one hand is free then wai with hand it is totally ok.
In some website it’s said that Royalty need to wai but that is wrong even the king wais to the monk and most monks wai or say hello to in other ways at least.

Do not wai to right and left it just make you look stupid if you wai to all the waitress and staff you are going down to the level of them or some Thai people think like that. Just make a relax wai when you are casual and when you doing business or meet older people think more what you are doing when you wai.

There is more then one wai like for monks and kings but do not think about that to much you will do wrong anyway just relax and a normal wai will do fine. The higher you have your hands the more respect you show the other person.

I rather wai people now even they are from western countries I think the hot weather is a hazard for bacteria stuck in your hand. To be on the safe side I always wai to everyone. If you are in a big party one big wai to the room is enough there is no need to wai all 40 people.


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