Cracked down on pirated DVD again

Cracked down on pirated DVD again

The Thai government is going to crack down on the sale on pirated DVD and VCD, again. I think this is the 100 times they are doing this. All they do is pushing more money to the Thai Police officers in charge since they never will arrest their own bread providers.

The Thai government has picked Siam Square and Central World trade of all places to start the crack down and maybe easier then kick out all the sellers from Pantip plaza.

You will have a lot of empty space if all piracy people had to leave this place. So I guess that’s why the government is going to start with something easy. Lets see if they go to MBK as well they also have plenty of DVD for sale.

The crack down is going on because the government wants get off the watch list that USA has Thailand on and Thai PM is going to USA in Mars.

When the trade talks are over we all expect the DVD sale to back to normal as it has in the past.

Meanwhile the government has listed 41 police officers that are on the black list for not arresting vendors selling pirated DVDs. Somehow this list have reach the press and some high ranking officials is said to be on the list.

Let’s see if they can really fire or prosecute them or they just do the normal trading chair with each other.

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