Car brand names in Thai language version

Car brand names in Thai language version

Even Thailand doesn’t produce any car brand but we still have name for Japanese cars and Europe cars in our own language. Thais can show that even they can’t make cars by themselves but they still love in their race by providing the name of the cars in Thai language. I heard some of them and read some of them from the magazine which I will tell you the meaning and how they pronounce name of the cars in Thai:

First we start with Japanese cars with ToyoTa Altis, Thais call “Un-tid” which means very small thing.

Second is Toyota Camry, Thais call “Cam-Leeb” which means small unshaped pussy. Girls are a bit shy with using this brand of cars then.

Third is “Lexus”, Thais calling it “Lex-sun” which mean small and short.

Fourth is Nissan “Sunny”, Thai call “Sun –nee”, we pronounce almost the same with English language but in different tone, which means short as well.

Those are some I heard and seen from others, none of them is my idea. Anyway, it’s just small little joke which I never heard before and surprised with the idea of the thinkers. Anyhow, please leave the comment if you know any Thai words Thai people call for cars. As you can see all meaning in Thai language words version refer to something which I think you already know.

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