Why do you stay in Thailand?

Why do you stay in Thailand?

Why do people still flock to Thailand? It is pretty clear for many people that stayed here then the magical first years that the Thai really only like the money we bring. First time visitors come back from Thailand with stars in their eyes but are soon taken brought back to earth when they see that if they do not pay over price the smile is gone. I do not think I have seen a genuine Thai smile for many years and I do not think I am alone.

The only time I see some smiling is when they do not know what to say when they know I am right but they do not want to argue.

The Visa rules are getting harder and owning your own house is very risky right now, so why do we actually keep staying in Thailand?

Even a drug smuggling ex death row English girl tried to come back to Thailand but for what reason?  What did she miss so much here that she had to come back after her jail term in Thailand and UK? It could not be the nice prison and the corrupt court system?

Why don’t people just go to Cambodia or Laos? They talk about it in forums all over Thailand but they never do it. They keep staying in Thailand for reason beyond me.

Why do I stay in Thailand? I have actually no idea anymore and when I found out I probably don’t live here anymore. Why do you stay in Thailand? Let me know.

Comments (7)

  1. thailand office leasing

    January 13, 2010
  2. Mindstream

    January 8, 2010
  3. PJ

    January 8, 2010
  4. Mindstream

    January 8, 2010
  5. Mindstream

    January 8, 2010
  6. Merchant of life

    January 8, 2010
  7. John

    January 8, 2010

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