Where to find a motorbike taxi in Bangkok after June

Where to find a motorbike taxi in Bangkok after June

Footpaths this ever ending fight about the so called footpaths. From JUNE motorbike taxis will not longer be allowed to camp on the footpaths in Bangkok. Last year the Bangkok Governor wanted to take away all the telephone bots, I guess because he had friend owning th e biggest mobile company. Why don’t they forbid the motorbikes to drive on the fothpaths instead and enforce the law.

I actually feel sorry for the motorbikes sometimes always been target.
I used to think motorbike taxi was totally useless but living in a local Thai area made me appreciate them more and more. I can now get from one side to another in Bangkok in no time at all and because it a local area they do not overcharge. That was the biggest reason I did not like them before because they charge me 100 THB when normally it will cost 40 THB.

But they always have problem with mafia taking money from them, police targeting them instead of cars because they are easy targets and Thai police are cowards, they have to pay for the motorbike and if they have an accident they have no insurance. So forbidding them to hang on the footpath will not solve anything because as soon as they move some person going to start selling food there anyway.

The motorbikes serves as a quick and cheap transport out of my small street or down to the subway, if they have to park fare away from my house I can not call to them and I have to take a taxi instead.

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