The lack of service in Thailand

The lack of service in Thailand

The lack of service in Thailand

You might think that Thailand is the optimum level of service country and to one part you are right but there is also a trouble side of it.

Many Thai companies change staff as a girl on Walking Street change customers in a week and the new staff have no knowledge about the companies profile or commitments. It is not entirely their fault because Thai like to change work or quit when they need an extra holiday. But the problem is still there and you often meet a person in the Thai company that is totally new to his position.

So when you return the computer for service to what you think is a reliable brand name like for example Toshiba you give it to a person that have no training and no skills in handling Toshiba computers but he still looks like one. In Thai mentality he never going to say he cannot fix the problem because he want to make the customer happy. He just takes the computer and tries to fix it and one week later he gives it back to the customer totally busted with a smile, that he least tried. This is the normal practice because Thai people normally never complain and they will just take the busted computer as a lesson and never buy Toshiba again. The normal procedure should be to ask a supervisor about the problem and give the support guy some training before he was sent to the desk. But with the many switches of staff this seldom happens in Thailand and that mixed with the Thai mentally to never say no to customers is a bad combination.

I saw another problem in a forum this week, a guy had a problem with DHL and moving his belongings (why someone use DHL for that beats me but anyway) they had messed up all his furniture and instead of dealing with the problem they said that it was a private move. This was a Samui branch of DHL and my guess is that they had no training or whatnot to handle customer’s complaints the DHL way so they just tried the Thai way of deny everything and close their eyes until the customer goes home. I am sure DHL have insurance to cover all broken things so that would have been the better way to handle it.

I can make the list long as Santa’s Christmas list but you get the point, and overall Thai have good service skill and most of all will. Thai people normally want to serve and when you never scratch under the surface and just see the hotel and tourist industry Thailand’s service is outstanding.

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