Thailand needs to learn to treat dead with respect

Thailand needs to learn to treat dead with respect

Saw the news last night about the Swedish girl that got murdered on a beach in Phuket. Really sad that 10 guys have to stand around here and look at her and show her dead body to the “press”. I am sure some of this people have no press id and just going to collect the photo for the website or something like that.

The Thai Police and medical staff really have to start treating people with respect even if they are dead not to talk about evidence. How many hands have touched her body before the forensic arrives?

I am sure the rescue staff that volunteer have done a great deal for the Thai country but they have nothing to do in a morgue opening up the white sheets the Swedish girl was wrapped in.

Let’s hope the Thai Police get the right person, right now it looks like they pointing finger at some fishermen and most of them are Burmese. But with over 50 or more unsolved fisherman killings the last years around Phuket can they solve this?

Story about Swedish girl murdered in Phuket

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