Thailand blocks Dali Lamas sister

Thailand blocks Dali Lamas sister

In another brave move by the Thai government they banned the sister of The Dali Lama from entering the Buddhist country of Thailand.

Jetsun Pema, younger sister of Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and her husband Tenpa Tsering would speak at the Buddhist art exception in Bangkok March 5-7 2010.

The Thai government said that they want to keep good relations with China (sorry they did not say that they said another country) but we all know they mean China. How about when a fugitive ex PM visit China and Hong Kong? Should China really allow that or is that good policy? Burma and Cambodia are off course upset since they also are Buddhist nations.

Where are the millions of Thais that call themselves Buddhists now? Why are they not out on the street protesting against this? Press censor ship in Thailand stops me from writing more about this subject, but I just think it’s a shame and bad Karma for the government in Thailand.

Jetsun Pema is called the mother of Tibet and she have received  many awards around the world for her work to educated children.

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