Thai office work not easy

Thai office work not easy

Most western people here become a consultant or higher position but if you have a lower lever position not usual that outsiders get those positions in Thailand you might. Don’t be surprised that you some days of the week have to work extra long over night and be expected to come in the same time in the morning next day.

You will not get paid extra and you will not get any extra free time for that you worked, you are just supposed to do your part for the company. Many western people have difficult to do this; normally you will get some kind of bonus. But in Thailand you should be “happy” to work for the company.

This standard can also explain why Thailand has so many workers changing work all the time. I never saw such a waste of human resources as in Thailand. Manpower and other companies will do great in Thailand.

I asked my friend right now at 22.50 what she was doing and she said she is still working she has been there since morning and done the same thing yesterday. I asked her if this would benefit her in anyway and see said no.

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