Thai doctor sells fake vaccine against swine flue

Thai doctor sells fake vaccine against swine flue

Some Thai doctors in private hospitals and clinics in Thailand are selling a vaccine against the swine flue. The health minister says they could loose their license but for me they should not wait one minute to kick these bluff doctors. These kinds of doctors just make a bad name for Thai health care and lure people in all sorts of different ways to get money.

Some hospitals tell worried people to stay in the hospital until they get better and they will give them expensive medicine.

The only reason you need to stay in a hospital if you get swine flue if you really ill and are a child under 5 years of age, pregnant or an elder person.

There is no vaccine against the swine flue for now and the normal tamiflue tablet is the best solution.

If you need to travel to an area with high risk of getting swine flue make sure you travel insurance cover the cost if you need to stay in a hospital.

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