Sweeter then herpes in Thailand

Sweeter then herpes in Thailand

Sweeter then herpes in Thailand

I got a mouth wound or what you call it last week and off course I blamed my girl at that moment for giving me herpes.

She took a look and said I got something that you get from eating to much sweet food.

But I do not eat sweets I replied and she just smiled and pointed at the table and my 2 kilo of Rambutan fruit I just ate.

That’s sweet baby very sweet and you eat maybe 1 kilo every day and that’s why you have this problem. When its hot and you eat to much sweet food you get this.

If you are sweet as me then you need to buy cream with a hippo outside and put on when you sleep.

What can I say?

“I do not need sugar Turkish I am sweet enough” – Snatch

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