Should we warn tourist about child prostitution in Thailand?

Should we warn tourist about child prostitution in Thailand?

ECPAT the anti pedophile organization is telling the Swedish travel operators off according to Expressen. They want them to warn more about child prostitution in Thailand and Cambodia. Don’t get me wrong here I am all for what ECPAT is doing but in my over 10 years here in Thailand I never seen child prostitution in Thailand. I never have been offered to sleep with a virgin or anybody under the age of 18 years of age. I know off course that there is a market but nothing that normal tourist will ever see if they don’t look for it.

Maybe it’s better to tell people not to give money to beggars and buy things from children on the street because that’s the same gang of people. If people stopping buying things of them and giving money the children will be off the streets.

There are many other countries you can put a stronger warning for like countries in Africa where you really can see the problem on the streets and around the tourist areas.

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