Pap Smear Test for every girls in Thailand

Pap Smear Test for every girls in Thailand

This is the warning for every girls and I think every girls should be aware about this cervical cancer. It can happen to any girls even since you first had intercourse. I’m talking about HPV which is the virus which you can get from the intercourse whether your partner use a condom or not. This HPV virus can transfer to you and since you have this virus in your body, you can not get rid of it from you. This virus can cause you to have genital warts and cervical cancer, so it’s important for every girl to do pap smear test every six months before it’s too late.

Genital warts, you can check by observing your vagina everyday. If you see something abnormal like tiny white spot at your vagina, you should go to talk with the doctor immediately in order to remove them before it develops.

Anyway, since you have removed the genital warts, they can still come back to your body anytime because the virus is still in your body. You have to observe your vagina everyday and quickly remove them since you’ve noticed them.

Genital warts don’t cause you to death but cervical cancer does. So please go and do pap smear test, girls. The pap smear test costs about 1,000 baht in Thailand’s hospitals. It worth to pay that amount before you find out it’s too late and you will have to pay a lot more than that.

One Response

  1. genital warts testing

    January 12, 2008

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