Next Songkran no drinks in Thailand

Next Songkran no drinks in Thailand

I hoped you had a really wet Songkran and it was loads of fun for you. But this Songkran can be the last Songkran that you are allowed to drink during the holiday.

The current government is not happy at all that several hundred of people die every year and thousands are inured in car and motorbike accident.

They promise to rally support for a ban on all alcohol sales during the Songkran holidays. But as usual they are missing the point because most of the accident happens when people drink from their own products and drive drink. They do not need to buy alcohol from the shops they make themselves. No poor Thai can afford to by the alcohol in the shops.

But my guess the tourists industry will complain as usual, stating that the money from tourists drinking is more important then a few hundreds Thai people and off course they will get their way.

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