Never a dull moment in Thailand

Never a dull moment in Thailand

Things change over night in Thailand and that is why many people that moved here get upset and move home or complain a lot. It is not only small things that change, the new rules for investment made the stock market plunge to the lowest point ever.

A few months before that the immigration police started to change the visa rules for people having one month visa and now they are doing a crack down on Teachers.

It is difficult for foreigners to invest in Thailand or even move here when the rules are changed over night. It looks like the law is so flexible and can be bent to make the changes all the time or the officials are brining up some old law from 1970.

The changes are so many the last year so it would take me 1 page just to list them all but latest that foreigners living in Thailand are complainng about is the Change of Police Chief.

With the change off Police chief the night life went from very good and closing at 03.00 to mediocre at 02.00 the law actually says 01.00 but 02.00 looks to be ok for now. Under the ex prem rules one minister known for his moral crusade actually wanted to close nightspots at 00.00.

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