Ladyboys in Thailand have to wait for the cut

Ladyboys in Thailand have to wait for the cut

Ladyboys in Thailand will have to live by similar rules that apply for western countries from now on. The medical consul of Thailand has made new rules for people that want to become a “lesser man”. You need to talk to a shrink and doctors and take hormones for at least a year before you cut it.
They did not say if the rules would apply for men that want to become female but are not Thai and that travel to Thailand for a sex change. The medical industry make loads of money from this every year and some doctors have a waiting list from foreign clients. The foreign men face similar rules in their own country so they speed up things a bit by coming to Thailand for a sex change.

Thai ladyboys have mixed emotions about this since many have saved money for more than a year and are more than ready to do a sex change. They don’t understand why they now have to wait one more year to get what they saved up for. But some Thai ladyboys cut it off just to take a work a cabaret singer or become a prostitute and then after a few years they get depressed and kill themselves because they realize the cut is forever.

On a personal note I think that Thailand have done what the rest of the world has done for a long time and sure maybe some ladyboys have to wait one year more but it will sure create less problems in the end. If you cannot wait one year to cut it off then you should not even consider it in the first place.

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