It is time to run from Thailand

It is time to run from Thailand

It is time to run you only have a few days now if the last flight has not got booked already. You can forget about busses and trains they are full with up country people trying to get home for the holidays. You can almost forget the domestic flight as well and do not even try train. You need to get on an international flight soon before they are booked as well if you want to save yourself from the annual water war in Thailand.

Now I might sound like a grumpy old expat but the thing is most Thais do the same if they have money that is. They take their family and go abroad for the water war and come back when the streets are dried up.

Then you have the tourists that come to Thailand to experience the water war and that might be fun if you not live here. For us local it is a holiday and like to relax and have some quiet time at least that’s what we hope for. Every year in Bangkok I had a Karaoke machine parked outside my house when Songkran came. So for 4 days I had to listen to bad Karaoke by drunken males until they got to drunk and fall asleep.

When I tried to go out to buy food and go to fitness I got blasted with dirty water with pee in it and powder all over my body. With soaked cloth you can forget about fitness and your option is to just stay home. I would agree on one day of play and then 3 days of silence and Sabai Sabai.

The normal tradition Songkran with people gently putting some water on you is over. Now it is meant to hurt people. A bucket of ice in the face of a motorbike guy so he falls over and die, pee in the water, touch as many breast and vaginas as you can with the excuse that is Thai tradition and if you can drink and drive and kill someone.

Over thousand people die every year during this holiday and what ever the government trying to do to stop it, it does not help.

So good people of Thailand it is time to run and but if the red shirts now close the airport you will be stuck.

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