It is getting hot in Thailand

It is getting hot in Thailand

It is getting to hot in Thailand now we have no entered the hot season I do not know if it summer or spring but it really hot. The rain season will come after May or June or something and of course the water festival in April called Songkran that the people turned into a water war from a quiet ceremony just 7 years ago. Everybody get wet and if you leave your comfort of your home you risk getting wet. Most of the time I dig myself with Video games and order Pizza hut for 4 days and hoping it will start rain and everybody goes home. Last 2 years I had my dog with me a 65 kilo big rottweiler and I told everybody he hates water and nobody wanted to play with me then so I could safely go to 7/11. But he died before New Year last year and my other dogs are so small to scare people off I guess I have to order pizza this year as well.

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