Get a Lawyer in Thailand before you need one

Get a Lawyer in Thailand before you need one

Get a Lawyer in Thailand before you need one

One thing you learn the first few months in Thailand is that finding a good lawyer in Thailand is very important.

It is actually one of the most important things you should put on your to do list and put it very high up. But it is not a day’s task it requires time and a lot of talk with other people, but make sure it is the right people.

Here are some things you should think about when finding a lawyer in Thailand


Thai people and especially people that hang around farrang (foreigners) use something they call nai nah in Thai.

Most Thai use nai nah even if they not talk about it and that means the price you will pay to the lawyer will be x percentage higher because of the nai nah. So when a Thai recommend a Thai lawyer to you that means he has to pay nai nah back to the other person.

Local lawyers

In smaller cities like Phuket and Pattaya (yes they are small) you will soon find out that almost all lawyers know each other. Some lawyers will not even take the case if they know a powerful lawyer is on the other side. Some lawyers will take the case anyway but he knows he will lose. In small towns it is about who you know and how powerful you are, not grads school in law school.

Sometimes it can be better to get a big lawyer (many contacts) from Bangkok if you feel defeated from the beginning or at least get his opinion before you move on.

English and Thai language

Not many Thai lawyers speak good English and if you turn to an English lawyer he will never represent you in court as a Thai lawyer will. English law firms you see in Bangkok Post and other newspapers charge you a lot more just because they can speak English.

If you get a Thai speaking lawyer you need to hire an interpreter as well and if you want one that can speak the language in Thai courts be prepared to pay 2000 – 10 000 THB per day. They do not speak normal Thai in courts and it is very difficult to understand the different terms a normal Thai friend will not handle it, but they will say they can.


Some time Thai people especially Thai lawyer is very vague when it comes to the price. For some it is the money they need that day for others it depends on how much you will get. What ever price you decide never pay them in advance just pay for that day and for the next work. If you pay in advance you might never see the lawyer again.

The law

Most Thai lawyers will say it is up to the Thai court they will not do research or check backgrounds. They leave it to the court and they just present the case for you. They might not understand your western way of thinking and conducts. If you loose they will just smile say better luck next time.

Seek and you should find

Visit many lawyers and listen to what they say for at least 1 hour. Ask for their price and what they think about the case real or made up. Pay them nothing and if they do want money for advice never visit them again.

The one

You will find the best lawyer in Thailand probably by coincident or through close friends. If you know a friend that has a good lawyer, ask for his number and visit him and maybe buy him dinner. When you need him he will remember you and treat you well.

Do not start looking for a Thai lawyer when you need one it will just lead to disappointment since they know you are desperate and the quality of service will be there after.

If you want help to find a good interpreter please feel free to contact us we do not use nai nah.

Please also check the Thailand divorce forum and seek a lawyer in Thai law directory.

One Response

  1. Michael Iverson

    January 14, 2009

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