Gardasil vaccine in Thailand for cervix cancer and warts

Gardasil vaccine in Thailand for cervix cancer and warts

The good news for Thai girls from age 9 – 26 years old. There is a vaccine for girls to protect you from Cervix cancer and genital warts but the vaccine will effective until your the age of 26.

Even the girls who already has cervix cancer or warts before, you can still also take this injections in case not to let it happen with you again. But even though you take this vaccine, you still have to check pap smear test in every six months in case for your own safety but there will no more warts on your body anymore.

The vaccine has 3 injection, the price is around 5,000 for each. I’ve asked the price from many hospitals, it seems like BNH hospital has the cheapest price with 12,000 baht for all 3 injections. But not include the doctor fee and the hospital fee yet, it’s still the cheapest price i’ve known so far. If anyone knows cheaper price than this, please let use know. In case to protect all Women from this bad disease.

Anyhow, there will be new vaccine coming to Thailand soon which can protect you from cervical cancer and genital warts until 50 years old. But it hasn’t got approve to import to Thailand yet. I’ve tried to call Ministry of health several times to ask about the new vaccine, but no one reply me yet.

I will let you know as soon as possible if i have some information about the new vaccine. Good luck for everyone and hope all girls will be safe and protected from cervical cancer and genital warts.

One Response

  1. genital warts cream

    January 11, 2008

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