Do’s and Don’t in Thailand part 2 Garbage

Do’s and Don’t in Thailand part 2 Garbage

In our effort to teach you tourist and expats some manners and how to teach you to behave when in Thailand we listed some easy rules that the Tourism in Thailand has given out (TIT). We will also give our comments to the things they say.

From TIT: Drop your garbage into a waste container. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration enforces a no strictly enforcing the law in an effort to keep the city clean and healthy. The fine will be imposed on a person who spits, discards cigarette stubs, or drops rubbish in public areas.

Please be aware the fine is 2000 THB and 500 THB if you bride the police officer. Look out for police outside Immigration office and other tourist spots. Please also not that the police only give tickets to western people.
If you want to know why Thais get a ticket read our unofficial manners list.

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