Do not pick the wrong Mistress in Thailand

Do not pick the wrong Mistress in Thailand

Do not pick the wrong Mistress in Thailand

A terrible murder has taken place in Pathum Thani close to Bangkok. A former Police officer and his wife and son were executed hit man style and his oldest daughter survived the shooting.

The Police are pretty sure that someone close to the family had done the shooting by first killing the husband and then the wife that managed to flee 50 meters from the scene. Then they went back to kill the children by shooting the son in the neck but the missed the daughter and now she is the only witness.

A wealthy singer and his family is maybe the motive for the killing since the Police officers had an affair with one of his Mia Noi and she gave him things. In this case when a Mia Noi (second wife or minor wife) takes a lover and give him money or things he will be called a Mang da in Thai.

Police have arrested another former Police officer for the shooting this morning and maybe this horrible crime can be cleared quickly.

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