Dangers driving in Thailand

Dangers driving in Thailand

The Dangers you face driving in Thailand

After having my driver license since Christmas I see the dangers with driving in Thailand from a very clear view.

For example

  • Drivers seldom use the light when turning.
  • After 02.00 at night the traffic is with no law.
  • Drivers drink and drive all the time.
  • Most drivers do not have a clue about traffic laws.
  • People drive with aggression and they are rude leading to problems.

I have many friends that give different drivers the finger; they honk and are rude in other ways to other drivers. This behavior can lead to that the other driver will stop traffic and bring out a gun, knife, or something else they have in the car. I have listed many such occasions in this blog were drivers were killed for just for being rude to others.

The reason why I bring this up is because last week a German man was killed by some Thai teens on a motorbike, they cut in front of him and he gave them the finger. It resulted in a numbers stab wounds and an early death.

He had made Phuket his second home and I am sure he never thought that when he took the car out for a drive on the Phuket road he would end up dead.

It happens to Thai off course every day not only to foreigners, in the Thai magazines last month some taxi meter drivers and motorbike gang went amok in Bangkok because of the same thing. You also have the high profile drama when the son of the former Miss Thailand killed innocent people after being rude to a green bus driver.

In traffic most Thais are far for the tranquil Buddhists they are supposed to be and they turn out to be very selfish.

But you do not have to follow other people example, head out in good time, enjoy your driving, let people pass before you; don’t honk if no danger and drive with peace in mind knowing that the baseball bat under the seat may save your life one day.

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