Big yawn of H1N1

Big yawn of H1N1

According to some news agencies in Thailand we better prepare for the version two of the H1N1 virus because it is going to hit us hard. Do they mean as hard as the first one did? Because I totally missed the first hit it was more like a big yawn. It is not fair i have not got the first version yet and already people are getting the second version.

If you spend all that money that the government spent of facemasks, gel, brochures, Tamiflu and gave it to people that don’t have clean water or food for the day we probably be on the plus now. People die every year in much larger number from the normal flue then they ever did from the H1N1 flue.
Scaring people off with another version of H1N1 is not going to help anybody. People are scared enough and it is not HIV we talking about. More people die of that every year then H1N1 or any other flue but they don’t go around and talk about it this much.

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