Bad Year for Thai tourism sector

Bad Year for Thai tourism sector

H1N1 Virus, Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts, Thaksin, bad economy and tourists scandals like the airport and yet ski scam have brought down the tourist 14 % this year.

Thailand is sure the numbers will turn around but will they clamp down on the scams that tourists are set up for?

Now the Thai government is blocking the second movie “Big trouble in Thailand” but they have not blocked the scams.

But some lights in the dark tunnel are the following

The Phuket governor have put down his foot and said enough lets hope it is.

The airport crack down on scams will continue but the airport will also get their own police force.

The customs department has got new directions to stop corruption.

The people that closed down the airport will finally be questioned by the police.

Lets hope the 2010 will be a better year for the Thai tourism sector.

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