Yellow helmet replaces yellow shirt in Bangkok

Yellow helmet replaces yellow shirt in Bangkok

Enough Yellow shirts now you should look out for the Yellow helmets but in a good way. The Bangkok Metropolitan administration has started to teach motorbikes taxies how to ride safely and everyone that taken the class with them gets a yellow helmet.

That’s a very good thing because we all know that some of the motorbike riders can be a bit crazy sometimes and even drunk or high on drugs. Another thing that worries me when I ride is the quality of the motorbike and I wish they made yellow motorbikes sometimes so I know that the breaks actually are working on the old bikes.

If you not happy with the “quality” of service you getting you can always take his number on the back and report it. The problem is that most people take the motorbike taxi around their houses and I would not report a motorbike taxi when all his friends are still around.

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