Wishes for Thailand 2010

Wishes for Thailand 2010

Wishes for Thailand 2010

New Year, new promises, new hopes and a new future for Thailand or? Will the elite in Thailand loose power to the less fortunate? Will the political fighting stop for Thailand future? Will Cambodia and Thailand be good friends? Will people finally have enough of the corruption that was on rice in 2009? Will there ever be peace in south Thailand?

If I was the ruler of Thailand for a year this is what I would try to do for Thailand

  • Skip the coal, water, and nuclear plants and install Solar panels and wind generators over the infertile plans of Isaan.
  • Make it a criminal offense with life in prison for corruption for government officials.
  • Police officers need to declare how they become rich and raise their salaries.
  • Stop moving people around to inactive post fire them and prosecute them.
  • Stop every factory or plant that is a problem for people and nature in the same area.
  • Kick out 80 percentages of all the generals and give the money to schools.
  • Total press freedom in Thailand is a must.
  • Everybody should have the right to a lawyer rich or poor and a fair trial.
  • Make one clean sweep with refugees and people staying in Thailand for year make a clear police for ID cards and register everybody once for all.
  • Expand the railway tracks all over Thailand and stop the corruption in the company.
  • Change the board and structure of Thai air, PTT, and forever close  TOT and CAT.

What would you do if you ruled Thailand for one year?

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