Will the press and the new PM of Thailand get along?

Will the press and the new PM of Thailand get along?

Everybody that runs a political campaign know to take on a fake smile when you talk to the press. You should be nice to the press at least if they are nice to you. But the new leader for Thailand he really never got that part. As soon as he got a question he does not like he screams and shouts at the press to shut the xxxx up and ask them to leave the room.

I can not wait to see him talking to foreign press; I would love to see him on Hard Talk on BBC. I guess he would last 2 min then he would run out.
That’s the thing him and the ex PM has in common they bought are known for not taking a soft side to the press. I guess the new PM going to follow suit and close down and censure press as much as he can when he comes to power.

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