Will another 2500 people die during this Thai New Year?

Will another 2500 people die during this Thai New Year?

Songkran is coming on Friday the 13 this year I hope that does not mean bad luck for the people that travel around Thailand. The last years over 2500 people have died every year in this intense short holiday of 5 days.

Most people have died because they are drunk and driving on the wrong side of the road and with no safety belt or helmets for motorbikes.

The Thai police are every year trying to cut down on the people dying but they have so far tried in vain. This year they are trying to give out extra strong lollipops that have salt on them to keep you awake.

I do not know if that works but if only the Police really stopped people from driving drink and not just take there money loads of innocent life would be spared.

There is also risk of terrorist will do something around this new year, yesterday they let the police know that they are still around by exploding a bomb outside a cinema in Bangkok. According to the

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