Why so many people buy a new ADSL modem in Thailand

Why so many people buy a new ADSL modem in Thailand

I had a big power break here in my area last week. All power went off after a big bang and did not come back for a few hours.

After the power came back there was no internet and I called my good old friends in True Customer service. I had so many talks with them before and it’s kind of a fact that they are laying the ears off themselves. Most of the people living here know about the problem and the Thais do not really question somebody like western people do.

The internet is down every 10 min in my house now and according to True that is only me that is having the same problem but I can ask a few friend online and they will all have the same problem as me.

I have to call them today I know but the problem is I am just going be pissed off and irritated and they just going to lie to me. They just going to say it’s my problem and my software or hardware is damage and I have to buy a new one. Even if they know to 100 % it is not my fault the make the customer spend money on new modems, just so they can get off the hook.

After I call them today I let you know what happened.


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