Why Criminals Come to Thailand

Why Criminals Come to Thailand

Criminals are not welcome

The Editorial section of the Bangkok post the 23 February 2010 had this headline “Criminals are not welcome” but the questions is what do they mean?

Mayor drug busts this year

The Bangkok Post pointed out very correctly that the police have during the past week arrested a big numbers of drug smugglers carrying ICE to Thailand. Since the customs department never tell you the truth on how they know that people carrying drugs we never know if it was a tip off or luck. In many cases they get a tip off so that the Thai customs department gets a small bust and the big once goes free and I would not call that success. The reason why this ICE busts have reached the media every week now is because all of the people arrested were foreigners. The Thai people have changed their drug habits from Ya-Ba from Burma to ICE that have to be smuggled by foreigners. So the real reason behind the many busts in the media is because a drug border clash with Burma does not give any headlines anymore.

What is a criminal?

The Bangkok Post then rants on how some criminals were arrested in Thailand and waiting deportation and she names a British that maybe embezzled $150 million man together with some Yakuza killers and MC gangs. Now let me make this clear for the editorial your former PM beats this British Man in corruption or at least that’s why your newspapers is calling it “Judgment Day”. Then this British guy is not even convicted by any court and the judicial system in Dubai is very questionable. Many foreigners have fled from Dubai since they got blamed for the economical downturn even if they had nothing to do with it. I have no problem you deport any convicted MC gang or Yakuza killer from Thailand but should Thailand not also arrest all your own killers on the loose? After all the Police have a list of known a person that works as hired killers.

Pedophiles still in Thailand

Bangkok Post then mentions that the Pedophiles still find Thailand attractive as a safe haven but I am not so sure about that. They have fled long time ago and the once that are still here like the “Ghost” in Pattaya can easily get kicked out if the Thai Police stop protecting them.

Why criminals come to Thailand

To the big issue on why the criminals come here

  1. It is a fun place to be and the other criminals are here.
  2. You can bribe anybody from government to traffic police.
  3. If you pay 60 000 to a local political will protect you from ever getting deported.
  4. You can do a crime and wait 5 years to go to court.
  5. Your Thai wife does not care what you do for work as long as money comes.
  6. It’s full with Prostitutes and other Thai criminals so they fit just in.

If you are a fish and want to hide from someone you swim with the other fish that looks like you, I hope that made any sense.

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