What should Thailand do now?

What should Thailand do now?

Thai media did a better job than last April and tried to keep it fair and balanced at least. It was also difficult for the Thai established media to keep up with all the Twitters and Bloggers that sent updated directly from the scene. Mobile TV units recorded and broadcasted directly from the clashes and it is hard to censor or stop something when it is live.

The Army cut the broadcast on the channels they control for a while when they start the push back of the Red shirts but they were back on air soon after.

Now with all the video and online accounts it will be difficult to deny any wrongdoing from either side and with Burma we have a Japanese journalist dead. However, since Thailand is a Buddhist country the weight should not be on who did what and why it should be to forgive and move on. Doing the blame game will lead nowhere.

For the future will the Red Shirts have an early election and will then the Yellow Shirts take to the streets as last time? Will then the Army step in and we have another coup? Before any election be held Thailand should put down the ground rules for a very clear and honest election and what comes after.  Have the Red Shirts thought about what they think is legal now the Yellow Shirt can claim is legal in one year’s time? Will the Red Shirts take a loss in the election and will Thaksin come home and face the music behind bars?

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