What have the Airport Authorities of Thailand done for you lately?

What have the Airport Authorities of Thailand done for you lately?

What have the Airport Authorities of Thailand done for you lately?

You know how good AOT is, the air port Authorities of Thailand they bought way too expensive x-ray machines and they did not plan enough toilets in the new airport.

But they did manage to put the highest price in Asia for landing fees and move the taxi mafia all the way from the old airport to the new one. They also managed to create a Tax free zone where you feel robbed if you look at the price tags.

So what did AOT create for the community around the airport? Well there was some people that complaint to them that because they live in the zone of the airport they have to listen to jet planes leaving every 2 min. AOT was not late to respond they moved the zone and problem fixed.

For those once still living in the zone they gave them this

Problem 1

Have to listen to Jet Planes so loud you can not hear your self speak every 2 min.


AOT gave them free earplugs

Problem 2

Can not sleep because of all the noise even if they have earplugs and a pillow over my head


AOT lets the in-house doctor subscribe sleeping pills and hopefully they will be too tired to complaining as well.

Problem 3

Oil and other things are dropping from the Planes.


Gave everyone a mouth mask to wear at all times even when sleeping

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