We are going up last week we had the spot number 100 and now we are up to 75 and climbing. All our readers have gone out in big scale and voted us past many blogs on http://whatismatt.com/top100/. I do not see why we should not make it to the top by next Friday. From what I see we have more stars then anybody right now but still below the 10 spot. But keep on fighting dear readers we will get the number 1 spot before next Friday. Out name to vote for in the list is Personal Thailand and just give us 5 stars we deserve nothing less.
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The Ghost
You won’t make it much higher. Not that your blog is bad, it’s just you don’t understand how the chart works.
Rankings are based on a unevenly weighted formula that combines popular votes (stars) with Google PageRank, Technorati Authority ratingsj and Alexa traffic rankings.
Before I closed down my blog, I reached No. 15 on the list. (Odd it’s still on the chart as no blog is there now.) I had a PR3 and an Authority rating of 15, along with a bunch votes.
Popular vote maxes out and no matter how many times someone clicks 5-Stars for you, you will not go up until your PageRank or TA number increases.
You build TA by getting other blogs to link to you. One blog can link 100 times to you, but it only counts as 1. TA counted the number of blogs that link to you, not the number of links to you.
Google PR works similarly, although the PR of the site that links to you is more important.
Alexa cannot be controlled, so it’s best to ignore that.
As you do go up, however, you’ll see more traffic from Matt’s site. I used to get a fair number of clickthroughs each day.
Sawadee Kha
Please feel free to add your website to Thai-Stars.com.
Thai-Stars.com presents the top websites about Thailand. Packed with links to travel sites, personal blogs, information portals and websites of great hotels, resorts, spas… . Created for people interested in quality info about The Land Of Smiles. Together we share one passion: Thailand!
*Thai-Stars.com – We share one passion: Thailand! – Showcasing The Best Websites About Thailand*