TTT in Pattaya slow internet connection

TTT in Pattaya slow internet connection

Found a website that is really funny and a good guidance to open a internet account in Thailand. I wrote about this problem many times on this blog.

It has always been known that Thai internet providers like to blame the error on the customer and hope that the error will go away by it self. The True Thailand customer support for example is so bad you should eat Prozac before you call them.
Most Thais just go with the flow and if the internet is off they can not do much but western people like question everything and they should beucse the internet providers is lying to you in Thailad big time.

I like these words from his blog

This is normal? OK. Lets say you got Seven Eleven. Buy there 1kg of rice. Your family is hungry. After opening the pack you recognize. There is a stone inside. The Stone 950 gram. The Rice 50 gram. Your family will stay hungry. You tell it Seven Eleven and they do everything to make the stone as soft as possible. They run to you to show you that their rice pack really full with rice. But every day you go to buy a pack. There is again a stone inside. You call the shop and they tell you, that you have too cooking the stone, you have to paint it and you have to bring it back. They will exchange it to a softer stone. But finally you still have a stone in the pack. You try to change? Now way! You sign a contract with them that you have to get it every day from same supplier!

If you want to see the rest of the page set your working internet connection to TTT, we have deleted the link beucase it is down but please feel free to search on Google for it.

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