Too Cheap for Thailand

Too Cheap for Thailand

Too Cheap for Thailand

Thailand compared to other western countries is a cheap country to employ people. However, that does not mean people work for nothing or free they rather do something else.

Thai people are also very selective where they work and some people pay to work as a Police officer or in TAT for example. Before it was very cool to work in Thai Air and later in AIS until Thaksin became unpopular in Bangkok. They also are careful about Japanese companies since Japanese companies bring the Japanese culture of work here to Thailand and that means work hard and party hard after work finished (if ever).

Thai employees love their holidays and the Thai government keep extending more and more holidays in Thailand. You can either adapt or say we are a foreign company so we do not have Thai holidays. That might save you some money in the beginning but your work force will soon shrink. That off course is not the case if you are an embassy because all Thais love to work in an Embassy it is very cool.

Some employers in Thailand trying to get the most out of every employee and expect them to work like a western person with a Thai salary. This will not work, Thais are used to the long lunch breaks, coffee breaks and having MSN, Facebook and doing private things at work. They might work for you for a while but then suddenly when you spend one week teaching them the routines they are gone.

I met a few people trying to hire Thai people helping them with freelance work in Thailand. They all do the same mistake and asking the Thai to work almost free and asking them this and that. Sure, in a western world, one phone call or one visit might give you the answer but in Thailand, the right people are never in the right places. The same person ends up with these Thais just leaving them and declining the work. A Thai person rather spend the day in front of the TV then running around for a few dollars it is not in their nature to work for nothing. The foreigner scratches their heads every time and wonders why the Thais are not happy with a few dollars for a few phone calls. Because they rather sit, home and look at TV or go out eating with friends.

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