This is a warning to all farang farmers in Thailand

This is a warning to all farang farmers in Thailand

It looks like we have another crack down on our hands. This time the government are
“worried” that the foreigners in Thailand are doing in Farming.

According to Thai law foreigners in Thailand can not do any kind of farming but I guess a Thai company can since many countries have invested in farm land in Thailand. So since most foreigners buy their land in Thai company names that can farm I guess.

The government of Thailand have seriously looked at 20 different provinces and could not find one single foreigner doing farming (they need new glasses). I do not know how they did it but if you check the website you can find a big section just about Thai farming.I guess they just missed that or something.

I do not think farang farmers have to be that worried, if they can not find anything in 20 provinces I am sure they can not find anything in the rest either.

Comments (2)

  1. Mindstream

    August 15, 2009
  2. Leosia

    August 12, 2009

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