Thats every year I flush my old girlfriends in the toilet

Thats every year I flush my old girlfriends in the toilet

The tradition of Loy Kratong in Thailand

I celebrated my Thailand Loy Kratong by flushing down old girlfriends in the toilet. Maybe not the best way to do it but then I have always been a party crasher. The story of origin for this beautiful feast in Thailand is many. Some say it is to celebrate the pagoda contains Lord Buddhas topknot now in heaven. The most popular version is it was an expression of gratitude to the goddess of water ‘Phra Mae Kongka’ for having extensively used, and sometimes polluted, the water from the rivers and canals. And that is actually its own prediction because just 2 years ago people still floating horrific gigantic plastic kratongs that would kill animals and pollute the river even more. You can imagine more then 10 million people or more putting a floating plastic raft in the river. This all ended 2 years ago when a smart lady start baking her own kratongs from bread that could float and be eaten by the fishes they will also sink fast enough not to set any boats and houses on fire near the river. This years problem was that the flooding will lead to kratongs actually will set roofs tops on fire since the water is so high.

New year old problems washed away

Some doing Loy Kratong to get rid of their problems and misery so they put them in the kratongs and push them away in the river hoping for a better next year. You can float a Kratongs in any water like dams, swimming pool, sink and in my case a toilet. If you want to come to Thailand during the Loy Kratong be sure to book in advance and you will find some pictures and info about Loy Kratong. The best Thai hotel deals can be found on this site. Here are some of the girlfriends/lovers I dumped this year and hoping that next year will be better.

Thai girls i dumped

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