Thank you Malaysia for all the pirated DVDs

Thank you Malaysia for all the pirated DVDs

Some international news agencies have misunderstood the recent censor ship of movies in Thailand. It is not the military government that has blocked the movie Syndromes and a Century by Apichatpong Weerasethakul. The movie that has shown in many countries has been stopped by the director because he did not want the scenes to be cut. Some scenes are about a monk playing guitar and doctor having sex in the medical room. I can personally say I seen monks do worse things than that like buying sex movies and no one minds not even the police next to him.

The people that blocked the movies is the all so old and powerful censor board that should be scrapped right away and be forced to see all the movies they blocked for the rest of their life’s as punishment for blocking so many good movies in Thailand.

The last time they had some spotlight on them was when they tried to block “The da Vinci code” and they also blocked “thank you for smoking” a movie that tells you not smoke but they did not get that if they even saw the movie. I am surprised they did not block Harry Potter because he is not Buddhist.

Thank you Malaysia for sending us he Pirated DVD here so that we can look at the rest of the movies even the good once.

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