Thailand wants to deny Pedophiles bail

Thailand wants to deny Pedophiles bail

Thai news reports that the Thai government will take stricter measurements against foreign pedophiles after the Swedish King recommended it. Many Swedish pedophiles are caught in Thailand and Cambodia each year much thanks to the close cooperation of the Swedish pedophile Police in Thailand. That does not mean that Swedish have more pedophile in Thailand than any other country it just that Sweden is working very hard to catch them in Asia. Now the Swedish King did not recommend anything but his wife the Queen of Sweden work with children issues and she probably suggest it. The Swedish King has no political power in Sweden and cannot middle with politics at all.

The suggestions include denied bail and that the Thai Police keep the passport of the foreign pedophiles suspect and we need to remember that they are just that, suspects. Thailand have a bad track record when it comes to human right for suspects and accusing someone to be a pedophiles can be a easy way to get revenge or a fast divorce as well.

I am all for the harder punishment act and the Thai government should also look into the Thai aspect of things and clean up the Thai pedophile scene that’s going on in Thai families.

Many of the girls that work in bar industry have been the victim when they lived at home or with relatives and that’s the reason they never want to be with a Thai man ever again.

Thailand cannot blame the pedophile problem only on the foreigners in Thailand but have to look inside Thailand as well.

Thailand also need to stop being soft with kids working as street vendors because they are at great risk to get exposed to pedophiles. Many people that were exposed to pedophile when they were kids risk growing up with a disturbed sexual identity and can become pedophile as well. They need professional help and not put back on the streets time after time.

A crack down must also take place underage girls and boys working in the nightlife business all over Thailand as well as all underage sex movies sold openly on the streets in Thailand.

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