Thailand is does not say much about Burma

Thailand is does not say much about Burma

Thailand has showed little or no feelings on what’s going on in Burma. Most of the talk is about lost tourist trade or lost trade between borders.


The monks of Thailand have been very silent when it comes to criticize the Burmese Junta to kill monks and beat them up. Is there wish if the same thing would happen to them they want the rest of the world to be silent? I know monks should not mingle in politics but just one march for them is that to much to ask?

The Thai government has also blocked the English radio news on several occasions and I am very surprised that they even allow BBC or CNN to continue to broadcasts the news from Burma.

Is the Thai government betting on the military government to stay in Power and keep the deals open for them? What if there is a new government will it be angry with the Thai people for not helping them in need?

Let’s hope that freedoms will claim victory in Burma and were Red to support the effort of the Monks in Burma.

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