Thailand and business nothing for me

Thailand and business nothing for me

My experience over the last few weeks has made it even clearer to me that doing business in Thailand is nothing for me. Sure if you have lots of money and do not really care what you buy then there is no problem but otherwise, no thank you.

Last week hired a maid for some projects and the customer’s complained she did not come some days. When I asked her she said she did not want to come because it rain 16.00. But it did not rain at 16.15 but since it rain 16.00 she deiced it was best not come.
It never struck her that they where in need and she should have taken a taxi or something to get there.

I also tried now to get a translator for some work and even if they only make 10 000 THB a month they want me to pay 10 000 for one day? I got to some gay guy that been to my country and he had no education what so ever. Funny my embassy recommend him I would not like him as translator when I have real problems.

As I said before make your money outside Thailand and then spend them in Thailand. They love to get your money and you feel like a king.

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