Thai police raid Swingers Part in Thailand

On the day of 4th February at 11:30pm, the thai police raided at Elizabeht hotel, Pradipath road, Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok in order to catch Mr. Christian Arthur Richard, 54 year-old-guy from England

The police found 13 foreign guys, 10 Thai girls and 3 foreign girls who were having sex. The crowd started to get struggle when the police got to the place. The police asked them to wear on clothes and gathers around in the middle of the room while they were searching around the room. The police found the used condoms all around the room and also 20 unused condoms. Also with the sex endorsement pills, food and alcohol which police took all of them as the evidence.

Due to this raid, the police have tracked down the information about Mr. Chirstian who has set the group tour for the foreigners which seemed to be like sex tour. He assigned Mrs. Duangjun or Duang Richard, his wife, to be the one who promote about the tour on internet on In the website, they convince the foreign tourists to come to buy sex in Thailand which they will provide both thai and foreign girls to provide the service for the tourists. The tour costs 3000 baht per each. Besides from the service, they also sell the sex endorsement products and provide the swinging party service as well.

There were both Asian and European tourists in the group. They normally come to Thailand in group because they know that Thailand has the sex tour constantly. For mr. Christian, he has lived in Thailand for long time which he first came to Thailand as a tourist. Since he has thai wife, he asked her to open the sex tour website and they have been doing this for 3 – 4 years already. Sex tour is occurred every week, so they have been doing this not less than 100 times already. The place for the party has been changed between Pattaya and Bangkok in order to avoid the raid or being known by the police.

The police tried to catch this sex tour thing for long time but mr. Christian can escape until the police found out that there was gonna be a sex tour again at this hotel, so the police made the move this time to catch him in the act.

If you want to see the ads on craiglist you can check the link. Most of the ads are from the same group.

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