Thai messy political news in short

Thai messy political news in short

Only 54 % turned out to vote in the Bangkok election for governor and as predicted the Democrats choice won the election same as last year. To our big relief the former pimp and general bad guy Mr Chuwit did not win but will come back next year for national election (my Buddha help us). Hidden from English speaking newspapers the extraordinaire pimp was last seen last week kicking a reporter in the head for tough questions. Today he sent his wife to vote to avoid tough questions from the rest of the media.

Something that was not that predicted was the arrest of the big PAD leader that despite the government promises not to arrest him was arrested when he voted by the Bangkok Police. The PAD is kind of out of air for the moment and has said not to make any problem for now.

The new PM and Thaksins new Protégé in Thailand still insist that the economic slowdown wont affect Thailand or maybe he means his money in Thailand. Everybody else knows that a weaker United States will mean a weaker import to United States where Thailand exports a lot of things.

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