Thai government cool people down about swine flue

Thai government cool people down about swine flue

I think it is the fourth time in a month now that the Thai government has gone out and told people not to panic about the swine flue. It come to that point that it start to sound like they are hiding something since they tell people not to panic so many times.

The Thai government is waiting for some kind of vaccine in September but not all Thai doctors would agree on that recommendations. A vaccine should be tested first and this vaccine has hardly been tested at all and we know nothing about the side affects.

Maybe people in the risk zones should take it but I think I take my changes and take a week in the sick bed rather then injecting something in my body that nobody knows anything about.

Most countries in Europe will give vaccine to their citizens because they can not afford a mass sickness the countries would collapse. That is not the situation in Thailand, we have plenty of people doing the same work so even if one got sick there is 10 others that can take is job.

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