Thai cyber police finds sexy girl in china

Thai cyber police finds sexy girl in china

The great Thai Police new cyber crime unit has so little to do that they are now taking up the fight against cyber “crime” out side Thailand. They are saying that this Xiao Yun Chinese website is illegal under Thai law (who cares).

The special Thai police force reported that they found one site from China that had a nude 19 year old student on the site. Wow they found one nude website outside Thailand that’s really good! (Monty Python Life of Brian anyone?)

They must have great recourse on their hand to find one nude website outside Thailand or maybe they have a child safety filter on their computer?

Anyway this Chinese girl raising money for the earthquake and the more money you give the more nude she will become.

Xiao Yun is here name go find the site yourself millions of others have but be aware of that visiting nude website from Thailand is a crime and using proxy site to go around the filter is also a crime.

Btw I was down Nana last night and I did not see 5000 prostitutes because that would be illegal in Thailand or I must have mist them because of the big Police station just in the corner was blocking my way.

One Response

  1. Flowers Thailand

    September 8, 2009

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