Thai celebrities wasting Thai police recourses

Thai celebrities wasting Thai police recourses

I know that some foreigners might think that the police work slow or that the courts don’t work as fast as they can but then you should really read the Gossip column in Bangkok Post every week.

I think is very funny to read and even if it’s just a small part on what’s going on in the Thai celebrity world.

Every week you can read about how Thai celebrities or Thais that are rich for no reason suing each other in court or with the help of the police.

He said that or she did that or I want this or that it is a big mess I can tell you and I think that this kind of cases should have their own court because it is costing time and money for the real cases.

The Thai police could be out chasing a rapist but he has to take a statement from some ex girlfriend to a celebrity because the mother in law called her a slut. She now wants 50 million THB because her reputation as a professional pretty girl is now over. Then the next day the mother in law comes down to police demanding 100 million because the ex girlfriend called her an old dragon in front of her son. Then the ex girlfriend comes back and sues the mother in law for lying to the Police and damage her reputation. When the new girlfriend finds out about this she also… well you get the rest.

This happens every week in Thailand and I think it’s a shame that tax money that theses rich people probably never paid should go to something like this.

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