Shape up Thai Air you are way behind

Shape up Thai Air you are way behind

Shape up Thai Air you are way behind

I can not understand what Thai Air is doing sometimes.

I got some tickets from a friend and he had no seats so he wanted me to call Thai Air and check everyday if I could get them some seats.

First two days I called they said I was almost first in line and then I the third day I went to the office and they said I was first in line.
I called the same evening and they told once more I was still first in line, number one but still they say I kept climbing? How the hell do I go from number 1 and more up?

Finally they said I got the seats and I went down to the office to get the tickets and they told me I have to pay for them? I said what I have to pay once more? Thai Air said I did not pay or the office in Cambodia has not paid the tickets but I know they had.
After 1 hour and a telegram to Cambodia Thai Air office they finally found out that the tickets was paid. I said great and I would come back next day and get the tickets.

Next day I came there to show my tickets and bills and then they said ohh the seats have been canceled. I did not know if I should cry or laugh at them. They had to call around to find the same staff and she could tell them it not been canceled.

I finally found out that the Thai Air does not have any offices connected with each other they are all separated even in the same City. No wonder that all others Asian airlines are light years ahead off them


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